Friday, October 10, 2014

A new year

Hi everyone It`s been a whole new year and I have not written anything in a very long time. I have good news and some kind of sad news. I know I created this blog to have viewers and other bloggers come and read about what I want to do with food. I got another great idea and some things that I had to reconsider about.

I have another idea that now is in demand right know and it has to do with food still. I came up with another food Truck idea to bring to a city that is re building it self and having more people from out of town to  come visit. The idea I got was to create a Pizza Food truck. I know in the area there was a pizza place to go to , but now they are not there any more. My whole idea is great because it is centered around my target customers. I wan to target College students. I am still in the process of getting all the licensing for the truck and the parking spot and things related to the truck itself. I have created a Menu and put down a list of ingredients that all goes with them.

 The sad news is I am putting Great Places On The Go to the side for awhile until I get ready to move from the other food tuck idea.

Now when I am home I will create these recipes and make sure they are good to go.
Until next time!!